• The service shall be used only for Internet purpose and not for resale.
• The circuit will be extended on a point basis and no network shall be connected.
• For any network connection required from UN Broadband /DOT/MTNL shall have to be taken in advance.
• The Subscriber shall have to disclose a list of all National leased circuits from the premises in writing.
• UN Broadband shall update the Internet service without prior Intimation to its subscriber.
• The subscriber is required to use TEC New Delhi approved equipment for accessing though UN Broadband. In case of any formalities to be fulfilled of any payment to be made same will be the responsibility of the subscriber. The network is interconnected by high-speed links and UN Broadband will try to maintain the links as much as possible. But it would own no responsible in case of interruption in the network beyond its reasonable control.
• UN Broadband would try give the subscriber the desired speed but the subscriber understands that he would able to operate
at the desired speed only for fifty percent of the time. The subscriber to the service is payable in as per the. appropriate scheme. The service is liable to be withdrawn at UN Broadband options if here is any lapse in payment of subscription. The subscription is not refundable under any circumstance. UN Broadband may at its discretion accept the annual subscription in monthly installments in which case UN Broadband will charge the Customer such handing charges as may be application at that time.
• The subscriber is not allowed to use the service for termination of voice traffic. The link can be used for VOIPE purposes as per the rules lald down by the government. The subscriber understands that all software supplied by UN Broadband Copyright protected and copyright of the same is liable to attract legal action under copyright act.
• UN Broadband may revise the tariff for Internet access from time at its discretion. UN Broadband will raise monthly bills for the usage of the Customer at such tariff rates as may be in force at the time. The bills have to pald in full within 7 days from the data of bills in case of non-payment or late payment of the bills. Internet at the rate of 3% per month will be charged for the amount outstanding. In addition to charging Internet, UN Broadband reserves the night to suspended the service to the Customer unit such time as the outstanding amount are pald in full. If Customer payment is not received within 7 days from date of invoice UN Broadband debit the card along with any handing charges on the 8 days.
• In the event of any wrong billing done, UN Broadband will raise the correct bill and refund any moneys collected in excess of the actual dues.
• UN Broadband serves thr right to withdrew or changes any discounts offered to the Customer and changes the rats at which the service is offered without any notice or Intimation.
• The Customer is liable to pay incidentar bank charges application for encashing cheques, or drafts issued to UN Broadband by the Customer.
• UN Broadband makes no warranties as to the quality to the service or merchantability of the service of its fitness for a particular purpose. UN Broadband is not way liable for any direct. Indirect or consequential loss or damages suffered by, the Customer as a result of his using the service provided by the UN Broadband and the Customer agrees use the service entirely at his own risk. The service is provided on an 'AS IS and AVAILABLE" basis without any warranties. including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement to implied warranties of merchantabfility of fitness for a particular purpose.
• The customer understands that the internet companies unedited materials some of which are sexually explicit or pile may be offensive to some people - The Customer accesses such material at his own risk. Broadband has no control over and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for such materials.
• UN Broadband serves the right to add, amend or delete to these terms and conditions without any notice or prior intimation to the Customer. The changers so made will be intimated for the Customer in the due course either by delivering the notice to his mailbox or by any other-means.
• The Customer expressly agrees not to use or let anybody else on his web space use the service for the transmission of objectionable or obscene messages which are inconsistent with the established laws of the country as specified in th Indian Telegraph Act 1885. The Customer further agrees that he is aware and accepts that the
Indian telegraph Act 1885 applier to the UN Broadband service.
• Disclaimer While every effort is made by UN Broadband to provide highest quality of service to its customer the subscriber acknowledges that the linking speed and quality of data transmission of the customer with the UN Broadband network is dependent on the lines provided by BSNL/MTNL UN Broadband shall in no way be responsible for any loss failure, defect or deticiency in data transmission between customer and UN Broadband network computer or for any inconvenience damages or loss that may be covered to any one or from any kind arisng there from .
• Force Majeure - if at any time, during the continuance of UN Broadband internet service, the performance in whole or part of any obligation under it shall be prevented or delayed by reason of war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion fire food explosion epidemic, quarantine restriction. strikes, lock-out or act GOD etc. the subscriber shall not have any claim for damages UN Broadband in respect of such non-performance of de performance of internet service.
• The jurisdication for this agreement is Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India
• Subscriber shall not use the Bandwidth for voice call termination.